
Year 2024

Full Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Affecting Audience Valence and Arousal in 360 Immersive Environments: How Powerful Neural Style Transfer Is?

Yanheng Li, Long Bai, Yaxuan Mao, Xuening Peng, Zehao Zhang, Antoni B Chan, Jixing Li, Xin Tong, RAY LC. 2024.
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 224-243

Technology-Mediated Non-pharmacological Interventions for Dementia: Needs for and Challenges in Professional, Personalized and Multi-Stakeholder Collaborative Interventions

Yuling Sun, Zhennan Yi, Xiaojuan Ma, Junyan Mao, Xin Tong. 2024.
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-19.

StarRescue: the Design and Evaluation of A Turn-Taking Collaborative Game for Facilitating Autistic Children's Social Skills

R Bei, Y Liu, Y Wang, Y Huang, M Li, Y Zhao, X Tong. 2024.
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-19.

" Voices Help Correlate Signs and Words": Analyzing Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing (DHH) TikTokers’ Content, Practices, and Pitfalls

J Cao, X Peng, F Liang, X Tong. 2024.
Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-18.

StoryPrompt: Exploring the Design Space of an AI-Empowered Creative Storytelling System for Elementary Children

M Fan, X Cui, J Hao, R Ye, W Ma, X Tong, M Li. 2024.
Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1-8.

" Centralized or Decentralized?": Concerns and Value Judgments of Stakeholders in the Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) Market

Y Xiao, B Deng, S Chen, KZ Zhou, R LC, L Zhang, X Tong. 2024.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 8 (CSCW1), 1-34.

Pilgrimage to Pureland: Art, Perception and the Wutai Mural VR Reconstruction

R Mu, Y Nie, K Cao, R You, Y Wei, X Tong. 2024.
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 40 (8), 2002-2018

Year 2023

Full Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
BlueVR: Design and Evaluation of a Virtual Reality Serious Game for Promoting Understanding towards People with Color Vision Deficiency

R You, Y Zhou, W Zheng, Y Zuo, MD Barrera Machuca, X Tong. 2023.
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 7 (CHI PLAY), 289-318

More than a wife and a mom: A study of mom vlogging practices in China.

Zhou, Z., Shen, B., Zimmer, F., Xia, C., & Tong, X. (2023).
In Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (pp. 56-63).

PetGen: Design and Generation of Virtual Pets

H Ye, R You, K Lou, Y Wen, X Yi, X Tong. 2023.
2023 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo Workshops (ICMEW)

Pilgrimage to Pureland: Art, Perception and the Wutai Mural VR Reconstruction

Rongxuan Mu, Yuhe Nie, Kent Cao, Ruoxin You, Yinzong Wei & Xin Tong (2023).
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction.

Community-Driven Information Accessibility: Online Sign Language Content Creation within d/Deaf Communities

Tang, X., Chang, X., Chen, N., Ni, Y., LC, R., & Tong, X. (2023).
CHI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. April 2023. No.: 50, 1–24.

DreamVR: Curating an Interactive Exhibition in Social VR Through an Autobiographical Design Study

Cao, J., He, Q., Wang, Z., LC, R., & Tong, X. (2023).
CHI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. Article 511, 1–18.

I Am a Mirror Dweller": Probing the Unique Strategies Users Take to Communicate in the Context of Mirrors in Social Virtual Reality

Fu, K., Chen, Y., Cao, J., Tong, X., & LC, Ray. (2023).
CHI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems April 2023. No.: 385, 1–19.

“I'm Not Confident in Debiasing AI Systems Since I Know Too Little”: Teaching AI Creators About Gender Bias Through Hands-on Tutorials.

Zhou, K. Z., Cao, J., Yuan, X., Weissglass, D. E., Kilhoffer, Z., Sanfilippo, M. R., & Tong, X. (2023).
arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.08121.

Year 2022

Full Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
“I Never Imagined Grandma Could Do So Well with Technology": Evolving Roles of Younger Family Members in Older Adults’ Technology Learning and Use.

X Tang, Y Sun, B Zhang, Z Liu, RAY LC, Z Lu, X Tong. 2022.
In Proceedings of the 25th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing Companion (CSCW '22). Accepted, in press.

StarRescue: Transforming A Pong Game to Visually Convey the Concept of Turn-taking to Children with Autism.

Huang, Y Wang, T Xiao, R Bei, Y Zhao, Z Lu, X Tong (2022).
Extended Abstracts of the 2022 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play

Twilight Rohingya: The Design and Evaluation of Different Navigation Controls in a Refugee VR Environment.

Ye H., Zhang, C., Xu, H., LC, R.,Tong X,. (2022).
2022 International Conference on Cyberworlds (CW), 142-146

Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
Visualizing Gender Gap in Film Industry over the Past 100 Years.

Junkai Man, Ruitian Wu, Chenglin Zhang, Xin Tong (2022).
arXiv preprint arXiv:2207.06692

Visualizing Non-Fungible Token Ethics: A Case Study On CryptoPunks.

Yufan Zhang, Zichao Chen, Luyao Zhang, Xin Tong (2022).
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.12922

Year 2021

Full Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Rongqi Bei, Yixuan Li, Xin Tong(2021). Whack-a-Ball: An Exergame Exploring the Use of a Ball Interface for Facilitating Physical Activities. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play.
Xiang Li, Xiaohang Tang, Xin Tong, Rakesh Patibanda, Floyd Mueller, Hai-Ning Liang. (2021) Myopic Bike and Say Hi: Games for Empathizing with The Myopic. Extended Abstracts of the 2021 Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play.
Xin Tong (2021). Bodily resonance: Exploring the effects of virtual embodiment on pain modulation and the fostering of empathy toward pain sufferers. Communication, Art & Technology: School of Interactive Arts and Technology
Tong X., Neustaedter, C., Fracchia, D., Gromala, D. (2021) Animal Crossing and Its Players’ Stories and Secrets: Social Communications and Collaborations. Proc. ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems and Play 2021 (CHI Play) . Accepted, In Press.

Year 2020

Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
Tong X., Gromala, D., and Wei K. (2020) Exploring the Effect of Virtual Embodiment on Pain Reduction in Healthy Subjects and Complex Regional Syndrome Pain Patients in Virtual Reality. Scientific Reports, Submitted. (impact factor: 4.011).
Tong X., Diao H., Zeng, S., Gromala, D., and Wei, K. (2020) “Follow me, and let’s see the sea!” ­– A Long-term Field Study to Promote Social Communications for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders through Online Collaborative Tasks in Minecraft, JMIR Serious Games, Submitted. (impact factor: 3.351)
Tong X., Wang X., Fan, B., Gromala, D., Williamson, O., and Wei K., (2020) “I Dreamed of My Hands and Arms Moving Again”: A Case Series Investigating the Effect of Immersive Virtual Reality on Phantom Limb Pain Alleviation. Frontiers in Neurology, 11, p.876. DOI: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00876 (impact factor: 3.552)
Tong X., Gromala, D., Kieai P., and Shaw C., Designing a Virtual Reality Game for Promoting Empathy Toward Patients With Chronic Pain: Feasibility and Usability Study, JMIR Serious Games 2020;8(3):e17354, doi: 10.2196/17354, PMID: 32763883 (impact factor: 3.351)..
Technical Demonstrations
Gromala D., Tong, X., Wong C., Kieai P., Demonstrations of AS IF, LumaPath and VMW in Pain studies lab for visitors from UnitedHealth Group demo, Jan 2020
Selected Technical System Implementations
Tong X., “Predicting patients’ EDA arousal patterns in VR for automatic real-time environmental adaptation using Machine Learning models”, 2020.
Tong X., “Sense of Embodiment and Pain in VR”. Virtual Reality environments in Unity3D (with Leap Motion and HTC VIVE platform) that used to examine the correlation between different embodied visual and movement conditions and pain reduction, 2019-2020.

Year 2019

Full Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Tong, X., Gromala, D., & Machuca, F. (2019) LumaPath: An Immersive Virtual Reality Game for Encouraging Physical Activity for Senior Arthritis Patients. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 384-397. Springer, Cham.
Full Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Tong X., Yang, S., Wei K., “Ponzo Illusion in VR”, different conditions that have different visual scales to evaluate the Ponzo Illusion visual effect in VR, 2018-2019.
Tong X., Jin, W., Ulas, S., “AS IF”, a digital game for fostering empathy towards patients. Version 1.0 with Microsoft Kinect in 2016, and version 2.0 with HTC VIVE in 2019.
Selected Technical System Implementations
Muchacha F., Tong X., Feng N., and Park S., LumaPath VR game to facilitate physical activity of arthritis patients, developed in Unity3D with HTC VIVE VR platform.

Year 2018

Book Chapters (Peer-Reviewed)
Gromala, D., Tong, X., Shaw, C., & Jin, W. (2018). Immersive virtual reality as a non-pharmacological analgesic for pain management: Pain distraction and pain self-modulation. In Virtual and Augmented Reality: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications, pp. 1176-1199. IGI Global.
Full Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Tong, X., Gromala, D., & Machuca, F. (2019) LumaPath: An Immersive Virtual Reality Game for Encouraging Physical Activity for Senior Arthritis Patients. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 384-397. Springer, Cham.
Ng, J., Lo, H., Tong, X., Gromala, D., & Jin, W. (2018) Farmooo, a Virtual Reality Farm Simulation Game Designed for Cancer Pediatric Patients to Distract their Pain during Chemotherapy Treatment. Electronic Imaging, 2018(3), pp. 432-1-432-4(4).
Technical Demonstrations
Gromala D., Tong, X., Muchuca, F., Feng, N. “LumaPath: Immersive Virtual Reality (VR) to Help Motivate Range of Motion in Arthritis Patients,” Arthritis Research Centre of Canada, Richmond, BC, 13 March 2018.
Gromala, D., Shaw, C., Tong, X., Muchuca, F., Feng, N., “Will VR Be the Next Opioid? Or can it help with the opioid crisis?” Vancouver Club, Mar 2018.

Year 2017

Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
Tong X., Gupta, A., Gromala, D., Shaw C., Neustaedter, C., and Choo, A. (2017) Utilizing Gamification Approaches in Pervasive Health: How Can We Motivate Physical Activity Effectively? EAI-Endorsed Transactions on Pervasive Health and Technology, vol. 3, issue 11, e3. (Scopus-indexed)
Full Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Tong, X., Ulas, S., Jin, W., Gromala, D., & Shaw, C. (2017) The design and evaluation of a body-sensing video game to foster empathy towards chronic pain patients. Proceedings of the 11th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare, pp. 244-250.
Amin, A. M., Tong, X., Gromala, D., & Shaw, C. D. (2017). Cardboard Mobile Virtual Reality as an Approach for Pain Distraction in Clinical Settings: Comparison, Exploration and Evaluation with Oculus Rift. Proc. of CHI, pp. 2345-2351.
Jin, W., Gromala, D., Neustaedter, C., & Tong, X. (2017) A Collaborative Visualization Tool to Support Doctors’ Shared Decision-Making on Antibiotic Prescription. ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), pp. 211-214.
Tong, X., Gupta, A., Lo, H., Choo, A., Gromala, D., & Shaw, C. D. (2017) Chasing Lovely Monsters in the Wild, Exploring Players’ Motivation and Play Patterns of Pokémon Go: Go, Gone or Go Away?. CSCW, pp. 327-330.
Tong, X., Pekcetin, S., Gromala, D., & Machuca, F. (2017) Exploring body gestures as a natural user interface for flying in a virtual reality game with kinect. Electronic Imaging, The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality, 2017(3), 60-63.
Workshop Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Gupta, A., Tong, X., Shaw, C., Li, L., & Feehan, L. (2017) FitViz: A personal informatics tool for self-management of rheumatoid arthritis. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 232-240. Springer, Cham.
Technical Demonstrations
Gromala D., Tong, X. Pekcetin S., Machuca F., Jin W., “Move More, Sit Less” Immersive VR demonstration for BC Ministry. SFU SIAT, Surrey, BC, 1 December 2017.
Gromala, D., Shaw, C., Tong, X., Lab demo and discussion of immersive VR for use by palliative care patients with Dr. Michael Downing, BC’s palliative care pioneer at the University of Victoria. 26 October 2017.
Selected Media & Press
Tong X., SFU SIAT Spotlight, Exploring VR for the health sector, May, 2017.

Year 2016

Journal Articles (Peer-Reviewed)
Tong, X., Gromala, D., Gupta, D., & Squire, P. (2016). Usability Comparisons of Head-Mounted vs. Stereoscopic Desktop Displays in a Virtual Reality Environment with Pain Patients. Presented In MMVR conference & Journal of Studies in Health Technology Information, 220: pp. 424-431. (impact factor: 0.44)
Full Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Amin, A., Gromala, D., Tong, X., & Shaw, C. (2016). Immersion in cardboard VR compared to a traditional head-mounted display. International Conference on Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality, pp. 269-276. Springer, Cham.
Tong, X., Gromala, D., Shaw, C. D., & Choo, A. (2016). A field study: evaluating gamification approaches for promoting physical activity with motivational models of behavior changes. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 417-424. Springer, Cham.
Jin, W., Ulas, S., & Tong, X. (2016). AS IF: A Game as an Empathy Tool for Experiencing the Activity Limitations of Chronic Pain Patients. Proc. of CHI, pp. 172-175.
Gromala, D., Tong, X., Shaw, C., Amin, A., Ulas, S., & Ramsay, G. (2016) Mobius floe: an immersive virtual reality game for pain distraction. Electronic Imaging, 2016(4), 1-5.
Tong, X., Gromala, D., Shaw, C. D., & Neustaedter, C. (2016) Examining the Efficiency of Gamification Incentives for Encouraging Physical Activity–Social Collaborations or Interactive Mobile Games. PervasiveHealth2016, pp. 1-10.
Workshop Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Tong, X., Kitson, A., Salimi, M., Fracchia, D., Gromala, D., & Riecke, B. E. (2016) Exploring embodied experience of flying in a virtual reality game with kinect. IEEE International Workshop on Mixed Reality Art (MRA), pp. 5-6.
Technical Demonstrations
Gromala, D., Shaw, C., Tong, X., invited participants with Jock MacKinley and Maureen Stone founders from Tableau Software in SFU for “SFU/Tableau Software Research Day”, July 2016.
Gromala D., Tong X,, Jin W., Ulas S. Demonstrations of two Pain Studies Lab’s research projects: AS IF and LikeMind game with Mechatronics Department, May 2016, SFU Surrey.
Tong X., Ulas S., Gromala D., Jin W., Demonstrated “AS IF” game at SFU’s 50th Anniversary Open House. SFU Surrey. March 2016. (Invited.)
Gromala D., Tong X., Jin W., Ulas S. Demonstrations of VR and wearable health systems designed in the Pain Study Lab: “Mobius Floe,” “Virtual Meditative Walk” and “FitViz” for Prof. Pat Hanrahan from Stanford University. SFU Pain Studies Lab, Feb 3, 2016.
Selected Technical System Implementations
Lo H., Ng J., Tong X., “Farmooo”, mentored the design and development of a VR game with Leap Motion gesture control for cancer outpatients’ pain distraction, developed in Unity3D with VIVE VR platform, 2016.
Tong X., Choo A., “CryoBlast” A cardboard mobile (Android) VR game to examine the effectiveness of cardboard VR on pain distraction, developed in Unity3D, 2016.
Selected Media & Press
Tong, X., Jin, W., Ulas, S. SFU Innovate Story. SFU SIAT students create a game to help chronic pain sufferers. Feb, 2016.

Year 2015 and before

Full Conference Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Tong, X., Gromala, D., Shaw, C., & Jin, W. (2015) Encouraging physical activity with a game-based mobile application: FitPet. IEEE Games Entertainment Media Conference (GEM), pp. 1-2.
Tong, X., Gromala, D., Amin, A., & Choo, A. (2015) The design of an immersive mobile virtual reality serious game in cardboard head-mounted display for pain management. International Symposium on Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health, pp. 284-293. Springer, Cham.
Tong, X., Gromala, D., Choo, A., Salimi, M., & Lee, J. (2015) ‘Weather’ Wearable System: A Design Exploration to Facilitate the Collaboration and Communication with Chronic Pain Patients. International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, pp. 383-393. Springer, Cham.
Tong, X., Gromala, D., Choo, A., Amin, A., & Shaw, C. (2015) The virtual meditative walk: an immersive virtual environment for pain self-modulation through mindfulness-based stress reduction meditation. In International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality), pp. 388-397. Springer, Cham.
Gromala, D., Tong, X., Choo, A., Karamnejad, M., & Shaw, C. (2015) The virtual meditative walk: virtual reality therapy for chronic pain management. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, pp. 521-524
Tong, X., Gromala, D., Shaw, C. D., Williamson, O., & Iscen, O. E. (2015) Theory review and interaction design space of body image and body schema (BIBS) for embodied cognition in virtual reality. The Engineering Reality of Virtual Reality, Vol. 9392, p. 93920D.
Tong, X., Gromala, D., Shaw, C., & Clarke, P. (2014) Transformation between Electronic Arts and Chronic Pain: Long-term Body Activity Data Visualisation and Pain Animation. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2014), 75-81.
Choo, A., Tong, X., Gromala, D., & Hollander, A. (2014) Virtual reality and mobius floe: cognitive distraction as non-pharmacological analgesic for pain management. Games for Health, pp. 8-12. Springer.
Karamnejad, M., Gromala, D., Choo, A., Shaw, C., & Tong, X. (2014) Orientation of Attention in Visual Feedbacks during Neurofeedback Relaxation. PhyCS 2014, pp. 196-203. Best Paper Award.
Tong, X., Gromala, D., Shaw, C., & Clarke, P. (2014) Transformation between Electronic Arts and Chronic Pain: Long-term Body Activity Data Visualisation and Pain Animation. Electronic Visualisation and the Arts (EVA 2014), 75-81.
Choo, A., Tong, X., Gromala, D., & Hollander, A. (2014) Virtual reality and mobius floe: cognitive distraction as non-pharmacological analgesic for pain management. Games for Health, pp. 8-12. Springer.
Karamnejad, M., Gromala, D., Choo, A., Shaw, C., & Tong, X. (2014) Orientation of Attention in Visual Feedbacks during Neurofeedback Relaxation. PhyCS 2014, pp. 196-203. Best Paper Award.
Workshop Papers (Peer-Reviewed)
Tong X., Gromala, D., Bartram L., Rajabiyazdi F., Carpendale S. (2015) Evaluating the Effectiveness of Three Physical Activity Visualization – How People Perform vs. Perceive. IEEE VIS workshop, vis4me.
Jin, W., Gromala, D., & Tong, X. (2015). Serious game for serious disease: Diminishing stigma of depression via game experience. In 2015 IEEE Games Entertainment Media Conference (GEM), pp. 1-2.
Technical Demonstrations
Rose, H., Hollander, A., Tong, X., Gromala, D., & Shaw, C., Rothenberg Ventures River Program Founder Fields Day, AT&T Park, San Francisco, USA, April 27, 2015.
Tong, X., & Ramsay, G., Journalist from Discovery Journal interviewed for Virtual Reality Research at Pain Studies Lab, New York, USA, April 2015.
Yu, C., & Tong, X., SFU Undergrad Conference Research Demo, Surrey City Hall, March 2015.
Gromala, D. , Tong, X. & Choo, A. “Virtual Meditative Walk” Invited to showcase the Pain Studies Lab’s VR work at SeaVR, VR Showcase in the Living Computer Museum, October 1, 2014. Seattle. (Invited.)
Gromala, D. & Tong, X. “Mobius Floe” Demonstration for University of Southern California, Mixed Reality Group and Medical Virtual Reality Group, Sin-Hwa Kang Institute for Creative Technologies, September 10, 2014. Surrey, BC.
Tong, X., Ramsay, G., Gromala, D., Shaw, C., Pain Lab Virtual Reality Research Project Demo to doctors from BC Children & Women Hospital 2014.
Gromala, D., Shaw, C., Tong, X., & Yu, C. Hosted a two-hour Pain Studies Lab review and discussion with ACM DIS (Designing Interactive Systems) attendees. June 22, 2014. SFU Pain Studies Lab, Surrey, BC.
Demos Gromala, D. & Tong, X. Pain Studies Lab demonstrations for SFU Surrey’s Global Community Open House, March 6, 2014. SFU Surrey, BC.
Selected Technical System Implementations
Tong X., “FitPet”, A mobile App that converts users’ steps data to in-game currency to keep a virtual pet for facilitating physical activity, developed in Unity3D, 2015
Tong X., Kitson A., “Lost Spirit”, a VR environment provide the experience of flying via Microsoft Kinect, developed in Unity3D, 2015
Tong X., Gromala D. “Gromala’s Weather” a wearable system for colocated coworkers collaboration, developed using Arduino Lilypad system and sensors, 2014.
Gromala D., Tong X., Choo A., Yu C., “Mobius Floe”, an interactive VR game for pain distraction in Oculus Rift, 2014.
Gromala D., Tong X., Kiaei P., Karamnejad, M., Choo A., “Virtual Meditative Walk”, a VR meditation environment that collects real-time EMG data and visualizes the data as environmental factors, developed in Unity3d, version 1.0 2014, and version 2.0 2019.
Selected Media & Press
Tong, X., SFU University Communications, SFU grad student recognized for virtual reality design paper”, Design Principle & Practices, Graduate Scholar Award on the Conference websites, Feb 2015
Choo A., Tong, X., Yu C., (a) SFU University Press. “SFU students in GRAND score Best Game and the Microsoft Surface Award at the UNITE Conference in Seattle.” University Press, Oct 2014. (b) GRAND Forum, Canada’s Digital Media Research Network (GRAND) Forum News, Oct 2014. (c) Microsoft Video Interview. “Windows 10 for Developers Who Do” aired at BUILD 2015 conference, April 30, 2015.
Exhibitions (Peer-Reviewed)
Wu Q., Tong X., Interactive Art Installation – “Sleeping Flowers” (“沉睡的花”) at the 3rd International Exhibition of Arts and Sciences, 2012, Beijing China.